Praia de San Xurxo

Praia de San Xurxo


Praia de San Xurxo

Just a short drive from Ferrol we came across this fantastic beach, Praia de San Xurxo Those of you who know me will be aware of my liking for beaches, and it has always been said that if we had the weather in Wales we’d have no need to go on holiday because we have some on the best beaches: well this place is just like being back home, just on the sunniest day of the year!

Praia de San XurxoThe sand is powder soft and golden, and the dunes are filled with the usual grass’ and plants, and you get that unmistakable smell you only get exploring sand dunes on a sunny day.

The beach had around 10 kite boarders and a couple of surfers but the wind wasn’t very strong and the surf too small, so everyone was just chilling in the sun.



I was first down to the sand this morning, not evenPraia de San Xurxo morning the sun had started warming the sand: I wonder what today will bring